jueves, 23 de julio de 2009


1. David Bowie - I'm Deranged (Edit)
2. Trent Reznor - Videodrones, Questions
3. Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug
4. Angelo Badalamenti - Red Bats with Teeth
5. Angelo Badalamenti - Haunting and Heartbreaking
6. The Smashing Pumpkins - Eye
7. Angelo Badalamenti - Dub Driving
8. Barry Adamson - Mr. Eddy's Theme 1
9. Loud Reed - This Magic Moment
10. Barry Adamson - Mr. Eddy's Theme 2
11. Angelo Badalamenti- Fred and Renee Make Love
12. Marilyn Manson - Apple of Sodom
13. Antonio Carlos Jobin - Insensatez
14. Barry Adamson - Something Wicked This Way Comes (Edit)
15. Marilyn Manson - I Put a Spell on You
16. Angelo Badalamenti - Fats Revisited
17. Angelo Badalamenti - Fred's World
18. Rammstein - Rammstein (Edit)
19. Barry Adamson - Hollywood Sunset
20. Rammstein - Hierate Mich (Edit)
21. Angelo Badalamenti - Police
22. Trent Reznor - Driver Down


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